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Geology Nucleus

The Geology Nucleus (NGEO), through specialized geology professionals, carries out geological studies involving geological / structural mapping activities, sample collection for petrographic study and chemical analysis, description of samples of the different types of rocks and / or testimonies drilling, and petrographic and mineral characterization.

The sector has geologists specialized in geospatial studies of natural underground cavities, which consists of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the physical attributes of the caves and the geological context where they are inserted, allowing the lithostructural, hydrological, sedimentary and morphological evaluation and related processes the genesis and development of caves, as well as the dynamics of circulation of matter within underground environments. Studies of exocársticos that allow the better understanding of the superficial processes and their relation with the subterranean processes, are also made.

Currently we have a collection of more than 700 samples of rocks, minerals and minerals from the region, as well as speleothems and guano collected in caves in the Serra das Andorinhas (PA) region, and an expressive quantity of fossils / icnofossils from fish and plants collected in paleontological sites in Jacundá (PA) and Babaçulândia (TO).
